Sunday, October 9, 2011

Day 3! 10 hours in a plane, no problem.... 10 minutes in a bus, no good!

Hey Everyone!

Well we have concluded our 3rd day in Maui!!!!! Today started out GREAT! Well Brady woke up around 2AM - we had to give him a bottle to get him to relax again. He was then up every 20-30 minutes just being cranky! He got a little bit of a sun burn on his cheeks yesterday and also he has the nice bump/scab on his forehead from when he fell yesterday. He did fall asleep for 1 hour when he decided to fall asleep sleeping across me while I laid on my back. Brady and Chris slept soundly for that hour but I just wasn't comfortable. So, lets just say - today has been a LONG day!

Chris and I have been itching to go back and do the "Road to Hana Tour" but i'm not too sure if I am up to the whole thing this time around. Being pregnant, tired, and taking care of Brady is just exhausting! Traveling with a toddler is NOTHING like when we were here on our honeymoon 3 years ago. But, I wouldn't change this for the world!!!

We decided to go see the Nakalele Blowhole that is a few miles from our resort. We though this would be a good opportunity to show my parents a little around Maui and give us the chance to hike with Brady. We are so happy that we decided to do this. We never explored north of where we have stayed in Maui and it was really great! The ride to the blowhole was A LOT like the Road to Hana, so this gave us the chance to show my parents what Maui is really like. When we got to there we had to hike about 1,200 feed from the road which 205 feet was DOWN! This was a lot of fun and Brady got a kick out of it. Every little step he would say ohhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhh, or Mama! He really enjoyed himself!!! My parents didn't take the hike down but you could see the blowhole from the top of the volcano. It was truly amazing! I'm really happy that we hiked down - going up wasn't as easy as going down but I had a blast (especially seeing how much fun Brady had).

After visiting the blowhole we decided to visit Makalua-puna Point, towards the shoreline there is a long point of lava that separates 2 large beaches. The lava here is different than the typical lava found all over Hawaii. This site is also known as "Dragon's Teeth" - when the volcano was erupting (way back in the day) - the waves caused the lava to push up making the lava look like "dragon's teeth!"

After this we were in the car for a while and we let Brady walk to the Dragon's Teeth because it was a quick 10 minute walk along a grassy golf course! Well now he wanted to do everything on his own! He thought he could hike on his own and climb the rocks - he really has a mind of his own!!!! We headed back to the resort after this and grabbed some lunch. After lunch we caught the shuttle bus from our resort to Downtown Laihana (one of my favorite places). Well they wouldn't let me bring my stroller on the shuttle bus because they said it was too big and couldn't fit in the overhead area of the shuttle. They let us borrow this little cheezy umbrella stroller that was just awful. Brady sat in it for a little bit and thankfully fell sleep for 40 minutes, but once he got up he was up. He wanted NOTHING to do with that stroller! This made the rest of our day really hard! We were able to keep Brady clam by letting him play with the rocks that he found in the Banyan Tree Park. But of course trying to take him away from the rocks didn't happen without a fight and an embarrassing temper tantrum... this happens to all kids, right?!?!?!

We realized that we needed to get back to the resort and just let Brady hang out for a little bit, in his defense we were going non-stop the whole day and I guess this was his way of telling us to slow down! Brady did NOT want to be on the shuttle bus on the way home! The bus was VERY VERY crowded and it was really HOT! He definitely takes after his mom.... he can't function properly when he's hot! I know the feeling and its horrible! I think the whole bus pretty much cheered when we got off the bus (not joking either!!!). Brady did wonderful on the 10+ hour travel day to get to Hawaii, but he couldn't stand a 10 minute bus ride!

We did slow down after this, we just stayed in and relaxed the rest of the afternoon. Well, thankfully my parents said that they didn't mind watching Brady while Chris and I go out to dinner! YAY, Date Night!!! :)

We decided to go to Duke's Boat House - this restaurant was in a new condo/timeshare rental place (well it looked brand new, I have to check it out). The food was excellent! It was really nice to get out and just have adult conversation over dinner! I miss that! :)

When we got home we missed Brady, my mom already had him bathed and in bed!!!! She said she couldn't even keep his eyes open anymore.... guess that means another early day tomorrow! That's ok though, we have a reservation to go on a glass bottom boat tomorrow at 10AM!

That's it for now

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