Saturday, October 8, 2011

Day 2 / What time is it!?!?!?!

We woke up at 4:30AM - what an early time to start the day. It was still dark out but we finally got to unpack and Brady got to explore our villa! He LOVES it here. He is just so happy running from room to room and looking in the mirror and going on the balcony. We rented a time share that has 2 units. So we share a common entry way with my parents but then there are 2 separate units. Chris, Brady, & I have the larger 1 bedroom unit. It has a full kitchen, dining room, living room, bedroom, and HUGE bathroom - with a jacuzzi tub and really nice stall shower! It's a great resort and i'm glad that we definitely went with the condo route! Having the full kitchen has been key!

Brady played for most of the morning, my mom gave him a bath while we unpacked and we just got ready for the day. I think we were all showered and ready by 7AM (it might have even been 6:30). We decided to take a stroll around the resort to just get an idea what it looks like. When we got in last night we were all so exhausted and the last thing we were worrying about was the resort. So we walked around and its BEAUTIFUL here, not that I expected anything less! I was anxious to get Brady to the beach. We took B to the Jersey Shore in June but he wasn't that crazy about it! Who wouldn't LOVE the beach in Hawaii? Well Brady has been added to the list of "Hawaii Lovers"... he absolutely LOVED the beach! I didn't think we would get him into the water this early so he wasn't even wearing a bathing suit but he had to get into that water!!! He had no fear of the huge waves (ok, well maybe they weren't huge... but if you're 18 months old they had to look huge to him). He just giggled and laughed every time he felt his toes go a little further into the water. (I wish I had the energy right now to upload the pictures, but I just don't. Maybe tomorrow I will upload the pics and update this post).

After the mini stop at the beach we decided to get breakfast - then we went to the store to pick up some essentials for the week. We went to Walmart, Costco, Safeway, & Walgreens.... now that I am typing this it doesn't seem necessary to do this but I guess it was. When we got home we decided to hit the beach & pool. Oh, before hitting the pool Brady slipped and fell on the balcony and got a nice shinner/bump on his forehead!!!!! He didn't cry though!!!

Second time around Brady was still loving the beach. He just did not want us to hold him - he was really trying to get out of our hands. The water was SOOO strong that it was a little scary, it was even pulling me in. We thought maybe we would go to the pool - they have a kiddy pool thats 1.5 feet deep and it was perfect for Brady. As no surprise he didn't want us to hold him in the water. We stayed close by the whole time but we let him walk on his own..... he slipped a few times and went under the water and he didn't even cry!!! He is such a tough kid!!!!!

After hanging at the pool we had some hot dogs for lunch by the pool, I couldn't believe that Brady ate a whole hot dog... it was HUGE! After lunch we headed back to the villa to see if Brady would maybe take a nap. Chris and I ran to the store and Brady stayed with my mom and Dad. At this point he was way overdue for a nap, but being on NJ time it was already 1 hour past his bedtime. They went for a walk and Brady slept for over an hour. When we got home Chris and I took a MUCH needed nap then we woke up Brady so he didn't use nap time as bedtime. He was very cranky and just didn't know what to do with himself. My mom reminded me that they had a Koi Fish Feeding Experience for kids at the hotel. We thought it was a perfect way to distract Brady and maybe get him to forget that he's even tired. Well, it worked!!! He LOVED feeding the fish - they are some crazy fish when they are hungry. Some of them were even jumping up out of the water because they wanted the food. After feeding the fish it was time for dinner! We picked up food to have dinner back in the room.

The ending of our day/night has been uneventful - dinner, bath time, and bedtime for Brady. Chris went to the gym and i'm not updating the blog. Not sure if i am going to be able to stay up much longer. I feel my eyes getting very heavy!!!!!!

I think it's time for bed!!

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